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 Now if you too
want to join the world of MiniDisc then my advice
(which I'm sure you really rather not have, but
hey...) is to start by buying a personal
recordable MiniDisc player. In the portable
stakes there are two types of MiniDisc players,
playback only (like the ones left) and recordable
(like the one right), it's the recordable ones
that I'm on about. Buying this way is probably
the cheapest option because it lets you use
MiniDisc on the go; record all your favourite
albums; listen to MiniDisc through whatever
system you have at home (or where ever) with
sound booming out of your speakers; and finally
through your ICE (car stereo) by using a simple
in-car adapter. It's most likely that the player
will come available with the cables you need to
do this (except for the car bit), although it
does vary (but they're only a couple of quid
anyway). Plus it depends on your system at home.
Check that your existing stereo has a line-out
for recording and line-in for playback (or if not
a headphone socket can be used for recording),
also whether it has an optical plug for digital
recording (although this is not essential). The
line-in/out is the simplest method, with the
optical allowing for digital copying (no actual
difference in sound quality if your other leads
are good) which is even easier as it copies the
track marks (were every track starts/ends,
otherwise you do it manually). The headphone
socket also allows for easy recording off nearly
any stereo. Now this might seam a little
complicated, but it's not- just don't worry about
it.The other way to
buy into MiniDisc is to delve into the deep end
by purchasing a new hifi with MiniDisc, or add a
separate MiniDisc player, and then get a really
nice tiny personal MiniDisc player (ie. one that
doesn't record), and if you've got a car, buy a
new ICE system that includes this titchy new
format. Then you can take advantage of its
portability and cut new discs, plus you can
listen to MiniDisc in your car- great but
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